My name is Fred Siegel and welcome to my website. I named this website after “Toxic Tommy” Kean the ex-governor of New Jersey back in the mid 1980’s. We used that nickname for him during a fight over hazardous waste disposal and it stuck. Over the years anyone who is in favor of poisoning people in the name of profits became known as a Toxic Tom.

For the last thirty years I have been involved in environmental issues and doing environmental site assessments for people exposing the hazards near where they live. In October 2020, I put all the knowledge I learned over those thirty years about environmental hazards into a book called quite appropriately: Environmental Hazards-Are You Exposed? It explains how to do your own environmental site assessment where you live. 

Long ago I became fed up with corporations and the government dumping their waste into the water, air and ground in the name of profits. Politicians are useless as they usually are on the payroll of these corporations. Ex-politicians become consultants once they leave public service and help corporations continue their harmful ways. Only by empowering people with knowledge and the tools to fight back against polluters can they protect themselves. 

The website was founded with the purpose of helping people affected by reckless environmental behavior find ways to protect themselves and in some cases, shut down polluting facilities and clean up waste dumps. While I do not condone violent means as a method, I encourage civil disobedience when needed and education as a tool to combat these injustices.

Through public outreach I offer programs educating youth in environmental issues to learn early in life they can make a difference. It is going to be their generation who WILL fix what we have destroyed in the name of profit. 

We strongly believe that every person is capable of making a difference.

Throughout history, by working together, people have changed governments and forced changes in corporate and environmental regulations.

Holding the politicians and polluters accountable for the damage they have done and continue to do is my goal.


In the United States there are approximately 450,000 thousand toxic waste sites.


The amount of land affected by the primary toxic waste sites is 22 million acres.


More than 50% of the population in the United States lives within 3 miles of a toxic waste site.

Years ago we learned you can beat anyone with knowledge combined with righteous anger. Activists using knowledge and civil disobedience have brought many billion dollar company projects to a halt.
